Financial Information – Insurance

Insurances all clinicians are currently accept or bill on your behalf


Payment for professional services is due at the time or prior to treatment being provided. We accept all major credit cards, FSA, and HSA.

Our Policy Regarding Insurance

If we have received all of your insurance information on the day of the appointment, we will file a claim based on that date of service. You will be responsible for the noted copay/coinsurance/etc. Based on your insurance policy, you may be responsible for the entire session fee. We will make every effort to provide you the information or educate you on your benefits based on co-payments, deductibles, and co-insurance based on your date of service. We make every effort to file all insurance electronically so that your insurance company will receive each claim within days of the treatment. You are responsible for any balance on your account within this period, whether insurance has paid or not.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, please keep us informed of any insurance changes such as policy name, insurance company address, or a change of employment as it may affect coverage.

Additional Reimbursement Option: SUPERBILL

In the event we do not currently have a contract with your insurance, we can provide you a “Superbill”.

You are then able to submit this information to your insurance company and be reimbursed from your company to you directly based on the cost from which they will reimburse for. It will be your responsibility to speak with your company to determine what they will reimburse you. (Prior or immediately following to the scheduled session, you will be billed your entire fee. The ability to reclaim money is on you to your insurance company.)